Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lighting Project

Next up was the classic photography in the studio with all its lighting glory. I asked my friend Ciara who you will soon see, doesn't smile often. We were asked to accomplish four pictures that would demonstrate four different lighting situations and that is exactly what I did. So without further adieu.... (if that's the right adieu)

Broad Lighting- F 7.1 at 1/25

Short Lighting- F 7.1 at 1/25

Butterfly Lighting-  F 7.1 at 1/25

Rembrandt Lighting- F 8.0 at 1/20

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Self Portraits

Classy, weird, and interesting. These are the three responses I got from my friends when I asked them to describe who they think I am. I agree that my personality is a little outside of the box from others. I find myself standing out from the normal crowd and I love to show this off this I believe stemmed from me being the youngest in my family and doing everything I could to be seen or be heard. I took these pictures in the studio and wanted the black background curtain because I have fair hair color and skin color so the images pop a little more! I think what this reel says is that I am able to fit in with everyone, but I don't want to. For this reason, I name this group of photos: Outside the Post-it. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

F stop/Shutta

For my next project I took all the same photos and messed with the Shutter speeds and Aperture settings!

Photos of Allie, By Lucas Mietlowski
F 4.5 and 1/320 
F 5.6 and 1/400

F 8 and 1/125

F 11 and 1/80

F 16 and 1/30

F 22 and 1/15

1/250 and F 8

1/125 and F 10

1/60 and F16

1/30 and F 20

1/15 and F20 and ISO 100

1/8 and F 29 ISO 100

Thursday, September 6, 2012

By Lucas Mietlowski (me) of my Nephew
Why are we so interested in making art about one another? This is an interesting question and I will answer it with another question. What is so interesting about the similarities and differences of other peoples faces. I love the inability to answer this question because its the reason why I take these pictures. There is an absolute mystery of it. I think somethings that portrait artists try to portray in their work is the story of the person just by their expression. Or maybe they are taking a picture that brings you into a memory or thought process of your past. Photo is a single moment in time. When drawing or painting you choose that moment. However in photography you must capture that moment at the precise time. Like this picture for instance he seems happy in the image, but upset in the mirror.